getting your garments made without losing your money, your time or your mind starts here
getting your garments made without losing your money, your time or your mind starts here

I’m here for independent designers and labels who are determined to make a success of their designs but lack the technical knowledge to make this happen


and for those who have the knowledge, but don’t like doing all the technical work

what I do...

I support you with digital technologies that help you save time, cut costs and increase your brand’s sustainability.

I take the time consuming technical matters like creating patterns, tech packs and samples from your hands so that you can spend time on your core business again.

pattern development

Hand over the boring part to an expert and focus on what you do best, designing beautiful clothes.

digital sampling

Speed up your time to market, save your money and set huge sustainable steps with digital samples.

remote tailoring

Offer your customers the luxury of tailor-made but leave the labor-intensive manual work behind.

advice & training

Increase your skills with a hands-on training or follow an online course in your own time and pace.

who I am

In 2016 I quit my well-paid job in high tech to “do something in fashion”. But what? It was obvious to work as a tailor, after all I also have a tailors diploma.

But the nerd in me missed the technical work. So October 2020 I decided to switch to pattern development and fashion tech support solely and to fully focus on 3d technology.

40+ years experience

I’ve been making clothes since I was a little girl, so by now I know what can and cannot be done.

technical background

I have an excellent 3D insight, I am super handy with CAD software and I wrote a lot of technical documents. 


I have experience in various areas. From latex to diving suits to Shingo Sato designs.

100% dedicated

Your dream is my drive. Delivering less than the highest quality possible is out of the question.

Don’t only take my word for it…

…Het samenwerken met Danielle gaat echt super makkelijk (en is erg leuk). Ze is zeer vakkundig en begrijpt snel wat je wilt bereiken…

Katja van 't Hof
…Working with Danielle is really super easy (and a lot of fun). She is very knowledgeable and quickly understands what you want to achieve…

Katja van 't Hof
…Danielle is so accurate in her work, she thinks out of the box and is so helpful throughout the whole process. I cannot wait to work with her again on a next project…

Lynsey Dikmans
…Danielle is a pleasure to work with, she understands her profession and thinks along with you…

Kim Heijster
…Danielle is een plezier om mee samen te werken, ze verstaat haar vak en denkt met je mee…

Kim Heijster
…Danielle is zo accuraat in haar werk, ze denkt out of the box en is zo behulpzaam gedurende het hele proces…

Lynsey Dikmans

getting your garments made without losing your money, your time or your mind starts here

Are you an emerging designer without a clue where to start producing your designs ?

Then I have something for you